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    Biotech tropicana,IncFINABCIAL: A Sasep Credit Report

    Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL: A Sasep Credit Profile

    A. YARI1; V. YARI1; & M. YARI2



    1. Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL, tripoli, Lybia; African Union
    2. Biotech tropicana Corporation, Delaware, USA, and

    Monrovia, Liberia, African Union





    Buy on credit is routinely applied in developed countries. Credit sales are exception in developing countries. We innovate a credit sale protocol for widespread application in developing countries. Analysis of data from previous widespread credit applications credit that our credit application model will substantially impact corruption reduction through incentives compared to corruption reduction models that relied on punishment.

    Keywords: Buy; Sale; Credit; Cash; Corruption Reduction; Credit Incentives; Punishment; Development Gains; Sustainable Development; Private Sector Led Development;



    Here we describe a typical profile of the Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL  sasep credit program.




    Credit Type:

    1. Risk Free E-Credit (20 points)
    2. Minimal Risk D-Credit (40 points)
    3. Average Risk C-Credit (60 points)
    4. High Risk Credit B-(80 points)
    5. Trust Credit A-(100 points)


    Credit Types :

    1- Risk Free Credit (E) :

    1. A montly payment amount is set
    2. Montly payment cannot be less than 10 percent of total item value
    3. Item for sale is collected upon full payment of total item sale value


    2-Minimal Risk Credit (D):

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Item for sale is collected upon full payment of item purchase value; where purchase value is defined as sale value minus profit.


    3-Average Risk Credit (C):

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Item for sale is collected upon payment of 50 percent of item purchase value; where purchase value is defined as sale value minus profit.


    4-High Risk Credit (B):

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Item for sale is collected upon payment of 10 percent of item purchase value; where purchase value is defined as sale value minus profit.


    5-Trust Credit (T):

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Item for sale is collected upon payment of 0 percent of item purchase value; where purchase value is defined as sale value minus profit.


    Selected Credit Eligibility Criteria:

    Eligibility for credit is determined based on the combinatory value of a set of criteria. The combinatory value is determined by computerized analysis of collected data. Criteria include but not limited to :

    Credit scoring

    Credit grading

    Credit rating

    Development of algorithms made in the Biotech tropicana Systems for credit analysis for programs of Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL are in progress.


    1. Client must pay at least 10 percent of total item sale value before on due date
    2. Payment is collected once per month on anniversary date of first payment
    3. Client may choose to pay more than the monthly minimal payment
    4. Where client pays less than the minimal monthly payment on due date a late payment point penalty shall apply



    + 1 point (+p) for each payment made on or before due date.

    -1 point (-p) for each late payment.



    Grade is assigned based on points accumulated on all credit operations on client file as:

    E-credit: 20 points

    D-credit: 40 points

    C-credit: 60 points

    B-credit: 80

    T-credit (Trust Credit): 100 points


    The above scoring and grading profile is demonstrative. Additional score coding principles may apply. Computers implementation codes are exclusive properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems.



    Where consistent with applicable laws and regulations, a phase 3 implementation program of the Biotech tropicana Systems may run in parallel with a development phase 2 and exploratory phase 1. A a product component of one phase that is completed may move to the next phase while components in progress stay within a phase range. Here we demonstrate the parallel implementation strategy of the Biotech tropicana Systems. We initiated a phase 3 implementation of the Risk Free E-credit sub program while the other components of the credit program stay at development phase 2.


    We purchase an office item in a store in Parakou, Benin. Payment plan was negotiated with store owners under the Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL Risk Free E-credit program.


    Data of the E-credit implementation protocol are summarized below:


    Item Description

    Trade Name

    Purchase Value

    Sale Value

    Monthly Payment



    Score on Date


    In Process

    Electronic Household Item










































    CIN: Client Identification Number

    SIN: Store Identification number

    BIN: Bank Identification Number

    +p : Number of positive payment on due date

    -p : Number of negative late payments

    pE: E-credit in progress

    BTA: Biotech tropicana Afro

    Ą: currency symbol of the biotech tropicana Systems Afro


    The Biotech tropicana Systems Afro currency is applicable ONLY in internal business transactions of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Where

    1. All Biotech tropicana Systems products are made in the Biotech tropicana Systems
    2. Almost all products are adapted to the needs of the resource poor settings
    3. Made in country are exceptions in developing countries, making these economies vulnerable to fluctuations on the global market
    4. The Biotech tropicana Systems have designed its own internal currency to protect its internal economy and adjust to fluctuations on the global market for its made in the Biotech tropicana Systems products.




    CIN: In progress

    SIN: In progress

    BIN: In progress

    Client Name: X

    Store Name: X

    Bank Name: X


    Number of Credit Operations: 1

    Number of positive payments:2

    Number of Negative payments: 0


    Credit Grading: pE

    Credit report from SASEP:

    Established on August 14, 2018

    Requested by: X

    Processed by: X

    Date: 8-14-2018



    Client is ELIGIBLE for E-A credit


    Client IS NOT ELIGIBLE for E-A credit

    Eligibiiity is based on FOR OFFICE USE ONLY computational analysis of collected data.





    Indirect Country Level Develoment Gains:

    The Biotech tropicana Systems SASEP stock exchange and credit programs are designed to operate through the private sector. Yet in country widespread application of the program will generate substantial country level development gains through indirect effects on country development activities, including:

    1. Corruption Reduction

    Where good conduct is awarded with good credit of access to daily needs of the population, humans will tend to develop the behaviours that promote their needs and objectives.



    1. State Level Tax Collection

    A structured credit database that rewards good behavior will collect data on in country buy-sales activities that is available for the state for tax collection activities. In developing countries, a large proportion of buy-sales activities operate in unstructured environments without identification. Our sasep credit model can record buy-sale transactions as low as $1 USD or A 1 BTA (Biotech tropican Afro).


    1. Feed Back Effect

    Because the population achieves its needs through credit, the work result output will improve along with incomes. A population with good income will become good buyers to improve sale for salers. A new circle of sustainable development environment will emerge against the old way circle of poverty traps that promote crimes and corruption.


    1. Security.

    As the resource poor populations register for credit a systematic database of identifications will build up to become available for forensic applications.


    The Biotech tropicana Systems SASEP is a good model that demonstrated the concept of private sector led development for developing countries as proposed in Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development, and In Ivesting In Development.


    SALAC, the SMART African language Commons,

    SASEP, the SMART African Stock Exchange Portfolio,

    is a proprietary business application tool innovated by the Biotech tropicana Systems for its business operations on territories of the African Union. Unlike, SALAC, SASEP is applicable on a global scale.


    Future Directions:

    The following products MADE IN THE BIOTECH TROPICANA SYSTEMS, are immediately available for display on SASEP for sale on credit, either as:






    The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


    In addition to,

    The SMARTrpclientCREDIT REPORT, a credit report system for the resource poor settings described above, Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL is in the process of developing

    The SMARTbankCREDIT REPORT, an assessment tool designed to assign a number score and a letter grade on bank performance, bank client relationship, and and bank store relationship,

    The SMARTstoreCREDIT REPORT, an assessment tool designed to assign a number score and a letter grade on store performance, store client relationship, and store bank relationship.


    The SMARTrpcreditPACK, consisting of the


    SMARTbankCREDIT REPORT, and the


    is under development in the Biotech tropicana Systems for submission to international scientific peer review.



    Under the Biotech tropicana Systems Official Development Assistance (SMARToda, policy 3) program,

    SALACafriki and SALAC speech are under development for donation to the African Union by the founders of the Biotech tropicana Systems, Aboubakar yari, Venus Yari, and Myra Yari.

    SALACafriki is a speech introduction draft in SALAC, the unified African language,

    SALACspeech is whole speech development tool in SALAC, the unified African language.

    SALACafriki and SALAc sppech are a joint program of the xxxxxxx Department of Communication Engineering and the xxxxxx Department of Language Engineering under the Biotech tropicana University System incubator.

    The donation to the African Union is construed as a SMARToda contribution toward the Peaceful, Integrated, and Prosperous Africa objectives under Agenda 2063 sustainable development program of the African Union.

    How do you say Hello in SALAC?

    Q: salac?

    A: salac.

    Salac is a communication language innovated by the Biotech tropicana Systems for its business communication needs in support of sasep, using original African languages as raw material. The innovative salac language is designed to be as simple as possible; yet capable of expressing the most complex patterns in human communications. ref2.



    With the initiation of the implementation phase 3 of sasep, a Biotech tropicana Systems owned private stock exchange platform, trade of goods and services on stock exchange becomes immediately operational on territories of the African union and beyond. Products buy and sales operations on credit are routinely performed in developed countries. Credit operations are exceptions in developing countries. We innovate a goods and services trade operations on credit that is widespread applicable in the resource poor settings: SMARTrpclientCREDIT REPORT. We previously innovated salac, a continent wide applicable communication as a support for assep. SALAC-SALAC, the translator, is a companion tool of salac designed to translate from salac to other foreign languages, particularly in the Biotech tropicana Systems selected foreign languages in the language pool. Salac, the SMART African Language Commons, is the official language of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Policy 28. Yet the language department of the Biotech tropicana University System incubator promotes the development of language capacity in selected foreign languages for commercial purpose.


    1. A. Yari; V. Yari; & M Yari; SASEP, The SMART African Stock Exchange Portfolio. Biotech tropicana Journal. 2015. Available at .
    2. A. Yari & V. Yari; SALAC, The SMART African Language Commons. Biotech tropicana Journal xxxxx, 2016. Available at 2a.




    1. A. Yari; V. Yari; & M Yari; The Language Pool ; Department of Languages; Biotech tropicana,IncEDUCATIONAL; The Biotech tropicana University System Incubators. 2016. Available at .


    Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI, Owners

    Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

    Biotech tropicana Systems


    The advances of free market and trade and democracy and rule of law, have brought prosperity to an ever widening circle of people in this world. Nations fron India to Chili have changed old ways and therefore found new wealth.

    George W. BUSH

    For the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation


    Operating through the private sector, the Biotech tropicana Systems are a knowledge driven economy as emphasized in Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development.

    Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

    For The Biotech tropicana Systems.


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