Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL
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    Biotech tropicana Systems: A Quick Guide To Company Status

     Biotech tropicana Systems

    Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL

    Quick Facts On Company Standing


    1. Quick Financial Status
    1. Money due by company to others: 0 Afro
    2. Money due to company by others: 20.000 Afros + interests
    3. Company Financial balance: Positive

    OVERALL Company Financial Standing: GOOD STANDING

    1. Investors Portfolio:
    1. Cumulative yield on investment is LOWER than actual investment: NO
    2. Cumulative yield on investment is HIGHER than actual investment: YES
    3. balance on investment portfolio: Positive

    OVERALL Standing of Investment Portfolio: GOOD STANDING


    Current market value of product <The Kandi Compost> developed on investment capital is substantially higher than actual investment.




    As of date 1 Afro is rated for 1 US Dollar

    File maintained by:

    Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

    Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

    Biotech tropicaa Systems

    Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (04.27.2018)
    Views: 429 | Rating: 0.0/0
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