Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL
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    Cash Collection PAGE

    Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL

    Cash Collection PAGE

    Aboubakar YARI1 & Venus YARI1

    Myra YARI2



    1. Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL
    2. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation


    * Only cash classified as assets of the Biotech tropicana Systems are eligible for entry in the cash collection page.


    Cash Amountt

    Cash owner

    Cash Holder



    Due date


    $-20.000 USD

    Biotech tropicana Systems




    IC: pb

    Under judiciary

    Policy 8



    $-640 USD

    Biotech tropicana Systems


    Out of contract.





    $ -180 USD

    Biotech tropicana Systems

    Rental office


    IC: pv

    Under judiciary

    Policy 8



    $ + 600 USD



    Biotech tropicana Systems

    Out of contract.



    Policy 7a



    $ - 20.220  USD






    IC: Institutional Classification

    Pb: public

    Pv: Private


    1. Program was designed in 3 phases by the Biotech tropicana Systems for Benin government, PHASE 1, exploratory was COMPLETED, PHASE 2, development was COMPLETED, PHASE 3 implementation NOT COMPLETED. , CONTRACT SPECIFICS: The Biotech tropicana Systems will design the phase 1 and phase 2 sub programs for Benin government. At phase 3, program developer then founder and ceo of the Biotech tropicana Systems and PhD student in USA could use implementation result  output to develop a PhD thesis in collaboration with university in Benin. Biotech tropicana Systems will receive cash payment in the amount $20.000 USD for phase 1 and phase 2 and a PhD diploma for phase 3 as part of human capital capacity building program of the Biotech tropicana Systems.  Phase 3 was not executed for reasons internal to Benin government affiliated institutions. The Biotech tropicana Systems invest its internal cash assets to process phase 1 and phase 2. Therefore Biotech tropicana Systems LOST in investment for phase 1 and phase 2  and the  cash payment of $20.000 USD. Worst substantial aount of the fund invested by the Biotech tropicana Systems was obtained in credit.


    1. A contracted program was executed under the terms of the contract. Partner requested the Biotech tropicana Systems to execute another program under special status due to time constraints. The special program is to be paid under an out of contract special term at higher rate. The Biotech tropicana Systems executed the special program, but at the end, partner refused to pay at the higher rate, but did pay at the lower contracted rate.

    DECISION: where partner was eligible for exclusion under policy 21, for previous contract violations, the Biotech tropicana Systems abandoned the pursuit of the extra funds. Policy 21 was properly applied.


    1. The Biotech tropicana Systems made a  $ 180 USD deposit under the terms of a signed contract to rent house for activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems in Cotonou,, Benin . According to the terms of the contract Biotech tropicana Systems paid the monthly occupation fees to the date of release of the house. On release the rental office claims to be short of cash to refund the deposit consistent with the terms of the contract. Whre the delay was becoming unreasonable, the Biotech tropicana Systems applied policy 7a, then 7c then policy 8 consistent with internal policies of the  Biotech tropicana Systems.

    DECISION: where the Biotech tropicana Systems had to execute other activities of higher value in another city and because of the small size of the fund at issue, the Biotech tropicana Systems abandoned the pursuit of the fund, raising the amount of fund abandoned in Cotonou, Benin in a month period to 640 +180 = $ 820 USD.


    1. A Benin government owned motorbike . Cotonou, Benin is big city of more than 1 million inhabitants. A transport vehicle is essential to coordinate the activities of Biotech tropicana Systems in Cotonou, Benin. The Biotech tropicana Systems decide to purchase a motor vehicle upon payment of the $20.000 USD due to the Biotech tropicana Systems by the Benin government. Where the delay on payment was becoming unreasonable the Biotech tropicana Systems negotiated a chinese made motorbike operated by family member employee of the Benin government to coorfinate its activities in Cotonou, Benin.  Where the Biotech tropicana Systems made sufficient cash in other activities, Biotech tropicana Systems proposed to purchase the motorbike at its market value of $600 USD,, or negotiate with government owner institution to keep the motorbike  aginst a debt reduction from $20.000 USD to $19.400 USD. The government institution declined the deal but permit the Biotech tropicana Systems to use when operating in Cotonou, but not to remove the bike out of Cotonou.

    DECISION: Introduce before the government a formal negotiation protocol under policy 7a , to keep the bike or alternatively purchase another bike and keep it in Cotonou, Benin for activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems.



    This cash collection profile clearly demonstrates that business partners Cotonou, Benin have a tendency to sign contracts and agreements and not to respect the terms of the contracts, causing serious losses to the Biotech tropicana Systems. Policy 37 (high risk business area classification) and policy 38 (mapping policy) are designed to handle such situations.



    Consistent with policy 37 and policy 38, Cotonou, Benin is a red zone  high risk business area and of low business interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems

    Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (09.16.2016)
    Views: 333 | Rating: 0.0/0
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