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    SMARTfreedomTAX: A Liberty Engine Powered Tax Collection System

    1. YARI1; V. YARI1; & M; YARI2


    1. Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL, Tripoli, Lybia, African Union
    1. Biotech tropicana Corporation, Delaware, USA & Monrovia, Liberia, African Union




    1. Background and Economic Relevance

    Tax in short term




    Tax in mid term




    Tax in long term



    Tax and scientific research, who pays tax to who?


    1. Systems Description:

    Here, we describe the SMARTfreedomTAX system and its support Liberty engine platform.


    1. Discussion:



    1. Future Directions:



    1. Conclusion:



    1. References:






    "The rehabilitation of the African private sector, which is essential for the creation of wealth and jobs, will receive sustained attention".

    H.E Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat

    For The African Union 

    Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (08.28.2018)
    Views: 211 | Rating: 0.0/0
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